2016 Educational Picture Contest 2016 Education Contest Photos Education Contest Dinner March 7, 2016Wall of Contest Winners Awards tableCarol Hollenbeck & Sheila Graham set-up CDA Court #330 Education Contest AwardsChair of Ed. Contest Mariann Hilderbrand, Carol Hollenbeck & Sheila Graham Kitchen preparationsRegent Angie Shea & Past Regent Jan Roth Adult Winner Photography Division 41st Place Mary Sue Wickham St. Albert CafeteriaParents, student winners, teachers and CDA Members mingle The crowd gathers for dinner CDA Lenten Raffle fundraiserFinancial Secretary Julie Marlow & Carol Hollenbeck CDA Lenten Raffle fundraiserFinancial Secretary Julie Marlow & Jan Roth Guest Emcee & Chair prepareJen Brown, Catholic Radio, KVSS & Mariann Hilderbrand St. Albert CafeteriaCrowd Filling up the tables St. Albert CafeteriaAwaiting the dinner and program Chair of the CDA Court #330 Education ContestMariann Hilderbrand CDA Banner Recognized work in: Art, Computer Art, Photography, Music, Poetry, & Essay Dessert TableYummm!! Buffet set-upMember Patty McGinn and Rose Spoto Newest member Mary CarrollPam Ratigan arranging food items Buffet dishes from the Court Lining Up for Dinner Buffet Kitchen CDA workersLinda Spencer, Pam Ratigan, Jo Meade, Mary Rousch & Joan Gubbels CDA SistersBackground, Mary CarrollForeground Donna Leick, Mary Sealock & Patty McGinn Evening begins with Emcee Jen Brown, KVSS Catholic Radio Special Emcee Jen Brown, KVSS Jen Brown begins program Prayer before the mealSpiritual Enhancement Member Rita Hughes Rita HughesMember Court #330 Spiritual Enhancement Committee Getting out the pizza!Member Donna Leick and Vice Regent, Sue Thomas Here comes the crowd!Donna Leick and Sue Thomas Good food, Good times! Pam Ratigan Handles the Dessert Table Lining up for the buffet Parents and students look over the buffet. Our guests fill up their plates Take as much as you want! Crowd estimated at over 140 Regent Angie Shea presents two CDA Court #330 ScholarshipsAccepted by St. Albert Jr/Sr High Principal David Schweitzer 2 Annual Scholarships for St. Albert 8th GradersPrincipal David Schweitzer accepts from Regent Angie Shea Presenting Awards for the Education Contest WinnersChair Mariann Hilderbrand, Emcee Jen Brown, Regent Angie Shea CDA Court Banner Parents and Students and Teachers Listening to the Winners Closing PrayerRita Hughes, Spiritual Enhancement committee member 2016 Winners of CDA Education Contest Close-up of Winners Close-up of Winners Close-up of Winners w/Regent Angie Shea, Treasurer Shar Pekny and Financial Secretary Julie Marlow Close-up of Winners Close-up of Winners Left: Regent Angie Shea, Chair Mariann Hilderbrand, Vice-Regent Sue Thomas, Adult member winner Mary Sue WickhamRight: Special Emcee Jen Brown,Treasurer Shar Pekny, Financial Secretary Julie Marlow Chair Mariann Hilderbrand w/ Mary Sue Wickham, Emcee Jen Brown KVSS and Officers of the Court Mary Sue Wickham w/silver angel awardAdult Winner, Photography Division 4, 1st Place