2024-2026 Court Leadership

(L) Dola Mehsling, Recording Secretary, Mariann Hilderbrand, Financial Secretary, Sheila Graham, Regent, Jan Schnack, Vice Regent, Kathi Markel, Treasurer.
We, the elected officers of Court St. Anthony #330 freely assume the responsibilities entailed by holding office in this court. Further, we promise to act together in harmony and cooperation with one another and with those in authority at the state and national levels of the order. In this resolve, we humbly ask the divine help of the Holy Spirit of God.
Deacon John Pfenning (St. Patrick)
Court Chaplain
mailto:jwpfenning@gmail.com |
Sheila Graham Regent 402-213-3314 |
mailto:sbarakgraham@gmail.com |
Jan Schnack
Vice Regent 712-545-4044
mailto:schnackpack@hotmail.com |
Dola Mehsling
Recording Secretary 712-325-0084
mailto:dola.mehsling@gmail.com |
Kathi Markel
Treasurer 402-639-3564
mailto:kiker2811@gmail.com |
Mariann Hilderbrand
Financial Secretary / Membership Chair 402-510-9778
mailto:mhilder@aol.com |
Terri Dynek
District Deputy
mailto:gmaterri13@gmail.com |