Who are the Catholic Daughters?

Our Local Court #330


Court St. Anthony #330 was instituted on October 31, 1920. We have been doing God’s work for over 103 years!!
Our current court members come from local parishes, St. Peter’s, St. Patrick’s and Corpus Christi in Council Bluffs, and Carter Lake, Iowa, and the surrounding area. We have a membership of 56 Catholic women dedicated to the mission of the Catholic Daughters. Many of our members have a long-tradition of membership in this and other courts, often following in their mothers’ footsteps of service and fellowship.

We meet on the First Tuesday of each month from February through December.  Our meetings start with a 6:00 pm Mass followed by 6:30 pm dinner and 7:00pm meeting in the St Patrick Church Social Hall. Some months of the year there are special dinner meetings at local restaurants, and special occasions.

** If Council Bluffs Schools are canceled due to inclement weather no meeting will be held.


Charitable Projects

  • Gift in Kind collections for charities such as Birthright, Gabriel’s Corner throughout the year
  • Annual CDA Education Contest Awards Dinner at St Albert for students, parents and teachers
  • Lifesaver Drive for domestic violence shelters every April
  • Care bags of personal items for homeless/near homeless
  • Collections of school supplies for area schools each fall
  • Two Scholarships for St. Albert 8th Grade graduates every year
  • Donation of study Bibles to all parish RCIA program participants city wide
    and donation of study Bibles to all parish Confirmation students
  • Donations to other charitable organizations throughout the year
  • Collection of aluminum pop tops for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Omaha


Community Events

  • Clean Sweep – Keep Council Bluffs Beautiful
  • Corpus Christi Walk
  • Life Chain
  • 40 Days for Life


Special Events

  • Summer Salad Luncheon (Mid July at St. Peter’s Social Hall, #1 Bluff Street, Council Bluffs)
  • Lenten raffle (held at Queen of Apostles Great Hall  and St. Patrick Social Hall during Fridays of Lent)
  • State Convention (Bi-annually)
  • National Education Contest (Bi-annually)


Volunteer Work

The good works of our local members extend beyond the court activities. Members are dedicated volunteers
at such places as Micah House, CHI Mercy Hospital, MOHM’s Place, Jennie Edmundson Hospital, Wings of Hope
Cancer Support Center, Preserve Council Bluffs, Neighborhood Associations, Red Cross Blood Bank,
Gold Star Wives of America, Serra Club, Bethany Lutheran Home, Meals on Wheels and in their parishes.


History of Court St. Anthony #330

Dateline: October 31, 1920 Council Bluffs, Iowa.

A group of women decide to form a Catholic Daughters Court in Council Bluffs. Court St. Anthony #330
was formed with Miss Dela Cain as the first Grand Regent. Under her leadership the court grew to 220
members in three years.

Special projects and events through the years include: Book reviews and lectures given by artists of
national fame, Art-Teas for the cultural and financial welfare of the court, patriotic work during WWII,
potluck meetings, donation to the construction of Queen of Apostles church, providing items for the
Pope’s Store-house, and even making bandages for leper colonies.