Court Committees
Standing Committees
Court St. Anthony #330 2024-2026
PR & Communications
Inform members of events, meetings and special notices & updates. Publish items to Media.
eMail: Regent Sheila
Facebook: Sheila Graham
Website Manager Past Regent Carol
Prayer Boxes: Vice Regent Jan Schnack
Publication of photos & News:
Mary Sue Wickham
The Voice (CDA State), Share Magazine (CDA National), The Catholic Mirror (Iowa Catholic Newspaper) & Nonpareil newspaper of CB.
Parish Reps
Liaisons to our court about programs, events and
information in our three parishes. (Duties Sheet)
Corpus Christi:
1. Kris Reicks
2. Carol Hollenbeck
Saint Patrick:
1. Rita Hughes
Saint Peter:
1. Monica Sciortino
2. Mariann Hilderbrand
Invite women to join our Court, bring guests.
Financial Review Committee
Meet to review Court finances twice yearly
in April and October.
1. Rita Hughes
2. Monica Sciortino
3. Carol Hollenbeck
District Deputy Terri Dynek
(All Officers also attend to provide materials to check.)
Homebound and Sick
Communicate with, coordinate visits & gifts.
1. Mary Sue Wickham
2. Mariann Hilderbrand
3. Kris Jarecki
Lenten Raffles (3-4-22/4-8-22)
Plan, gather items, coordinate members to carry out the raffle dates. Bring to Education Contest.
Corpus Christi: Kris Reicks
Life Saver Drive (annually in April)
Collection at all Masses to fight domestic abuse.
50% Phoenix House, 50% State CDA for Iowa locations
Organizing Chair, scheduling, LifeSavers, aprons & containers
1. Kathi Markel
Community Projects
Seek out volunteer opportunities for the court.
1. Jan Schnack
2. Mariann Hilderbrand
Past Regents Group
Plan for court anniversaries, court outings and
Review the Court Standing Rules annually.
1. Matalyn Sebetka
2. Carol Hollenbeck
3. Angie Shea
4. Sheila Graham
5. Mariann Hilderbrand
6. Jan Roth
7. Evelyn Seidler (out of town)
Pro Life/ Community Events
Promote and coordinate court volunteer efforts at
events and projects in the community: Corpus Christi walk, Life Chain, 40 Days for Life, Keep CB Beautiful, Celebrate CB, report on Pro-Life
1. Sheila Graham
2. Mariann Hilderbrand
Youth Programs
Annual Court Education Contest and Dinner
in March.
Mariann Hilderbrand, Chair
Mary Morrow
Dinner Program creation & printing: Sheila Graham
Award Presenters:
1.Jen Brown, KVSS Spirit Catholic Radio, 107.2 fm
2. Mariann Hilderbrand
Photographer: Kris Reicks
Spiritual Enhancement
1. Rita Hughes
Youth – Gifts RCIA, First Communicants & Confirmation Students
- Monica Sciortino & Dola Mehsling
Summer Salad Luncheon
Soups & Desserts Luncheon