Bibles and Crosses Posted on May 31, 2017 by cbolApril 1, 2024 (L to R) Sue Meidlinger, Jessica White, Marti Lynch, Julie Marlow, Rita Hughes filling bags for our parishes First Communicants and wrapping New Testament Study Bibles for RCIA joining the church on Easter Vigil, 2017.Past Regent Sheila Graham helping with First Communicant bags, 2017.Member Marti Lynch of Lynch Jewelry donated silver crosses in the First Communicant bags, also assists with the wrapping of New Testament Bibles for RCIA.Working to complete this task following the dismissal of the regular monthly court meeting in St. Peter’s Social Hall.Regent Angie Shea bids farewell to longtime CDA Sister Marcella Lee. She and her husband Bruce are relocating to Florida to be near family. Keep in touch Marcella. We Love You!